Thursday, February 24, 2005

What's Happening..

Hey there.
A lot of stuff has happened since our last post. Here are some highlights:
1. Jorge got really sick. It started on Feb. 12th, when we were practicing and Jorge found himself rather short of breath.. he decided to leave practice and go home but never got there. Ringo ended up taking him to the hospital. He waited 4 hours in the emergency room and the doctors totally sucked while he was there. They told him he had some kind of mass in his lung, then they told him his liver might be messed up, then they told him he had pnemonia, then he had something wrong with his heart. Jorge started to sound like an old fix one thing, something else breaks. He was finally released from the hospital Feb.23rd.
2.Duane had a birthday. I don't know how old he is, and come to think of it I don't even know his last name for chrissakes, but he partied hard on Friday, the 18th, so much so that he couldn't make a fucking flyer for the show we are having on the 26th. More details on that at the bottom of this post. At least Duanezig managed to make a screen for our cool new teeshirt..
3. Ringo tried his hardest to sabotage our newest shirt and he got a "cool" personalized licence plate. Ringo calls me yesterday to tell me that his cousin can't get shirts for us... he wanted to talk to some other dude who hasn't called him back for weeks or wait until the next show to have them. Funny thing is, we don't have another fucking show lined up. Nice try, you cheap jerk. Gimme the money for shirts. I made a call to my pal Stacy at Merch House and poof! Problem solved. Oh, and Ringo's new personalized licence plate reads "HVY M3TL". He thinks it's so fucking hardcore.. I think it's so 1983. To each his own, I guess.
4. I (Neal) moved to Whittier. In the cold, pouring rain I moved all my stuff with no help from my so called friends. It was me, my mom (who had bronchitis--a great idea to be out in the rain with that) and a beat up UHaul truck. It. Sucked. Hard. It took all day, but at least it's over and I'm enjoying the fruits of my labor in a nice two bedroom house in uptown Whittier.
5. Joe is mysterious, and he has two of my cds. I think. He's the quiet one in the band who makes the most noise back there on the drums. I don't know what he's been up to lately, I think he works and he might be going to school, no, wait.. he works and stuff and I think he has a girl he's either dating or is his girlfriend. I dunno. I do know that he borrowed my best Suicide Machines ceedee, Destruction By Definition. Fantastic. I also think he has my Bouncing Souls ceedee, but I'm not sure. I should ask him.
Ok, that's it for now. We are playing this saturday FEBRUARY 26 at Cafe Danssa again with our friends The Psychotics, the RBI's, and Highland Park/Eagle Rock punk rock royalty The Mormons. It's $3, first drink free, ALL AGES. Here's the address:
Cafe Danssa
11533 W. Pico Blvd.
West Los Angeles, CA 90064

Hope to see you there or something. There will be lots of free shit given away, so show up early to see the RBI's at 8:30.. have a nice time. Go to the Northeast Records website for more info.